

What is skyn muse?

Skynmuse.com is a space geared to encourage all things natural skincare (including lifestyles that affect your skin’s appearance), travel experiences, your self-care journey, and so much more! Before we dive deeper into the world of natural, sustainable skincare, let’s get to know the owner of Skyn Muse a little better and learn how an interest in healthy skincare options developed into a passion for a more natural lifestyle.



My name is Precious, and I am originally from Nigeria. I moved to the US at age 16 to start college as a Biology major. During my second semester in college, I took an English class that discussed the process of food production in the US. This discussion opened my eyes, and I realized that the number of chemicals put into the food we consume daily is an ongoing problem. I then decided to become more knowledgeable about what I put into my own body, and to try to live a more sustainable life. The more I learned about the ingredients in our food, the more I realized that even some of the skincare products we use are not good for our skin, or our overall health in general. I am so excited to take you along with me on this journey of learning about a myriad of topics, including: the various ingredients found in our skincare products, incorporating different food items that are great for our skin, traveling to different locations to experience how people of different backgrounds and cultures maintain their skin, ways to take care of and sustain our planet, and so much more.

When a woman is happy in her own skin & body, she can follow her dreams with confidence & become a powerful source of change in the world.
— Sami blackford


This website was created to encourage as many people as I can to find their own inspiration. What inspires you to want to live a better life? What inspires you to love yourself? What is your muse? For me, my muse comes from finding inner peace, learning to love myself, as well as my body and the planet, while working daily to live a positive mindset and a fulfilled life. I am not perfect by any means, but I will continue to educate myself, understand more, and do better every day.

